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We’re constantly monitoring the funds that make up our Barclays Funds List. Over time we’ll add new funds to the list that we think give you more choice to create a diversified portfolio, or we’ll remove a fund when it’s no longer one of our key choices.
Just as a new addition to the list might not be the right choice for you and your portfolio, when we remove a fund it doesn’t automatically mean you should sell it. There are a number of reasons why we might have taken a fund off the list, as you can see below.
21/07/2023 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
28/06/2023 – This fund has been added to our list as it’s now the cheapest tracker product for the sector. Take a look at all the full selection of tracker funds.
03/03/2023 – This Fund has been returned to our list following completion of its name change from Barclays Multi-Impact Growth fund. Find out more about this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
29/11/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
29/11/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
17/08/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
17/08/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
02/08/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
20/07/2021 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
25/09/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
27/01/2020 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
08/07/2019 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
11/02/2019 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
21/01/2019 – This fund has been added to our list. Find out more about why we've included this fund by taking a look at the fund commentary.
01/07/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
abrdn UK Smaller Companies Fund
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
JOHCM Global Emerging Markets Opportunities
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
Jupiter European
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
Man GLG Income
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
Montanaro European Smaller Companies
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
Royal London Sustainable Leaders Trust
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
JP Morgan UK Equity Plus
19/04/2024 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but it’s no longer one of our choices for new investment.
Barclays GA Asia Pacific (Ex-Japan)
05/12/2023 – As part of our ongoing monitoring of the funds list, we’ve reviewed it for any funds that are no longer core to our selection and this fund has been removed.
Barclays GA Europe (Ex-UK) Alpha
05/12/2023 – As part of our ongoing monitoring of the funds list, we’ve reviewed it for any funds that are no longer core to our selection and this fund has been removed.
Barclays GA Global Equity Income
05/12/2023 – As part of our ongoing monitoring of the funds list, we’ve reviewed it for any funds that are no longer core to our selection and this fund has been removed.
21/08/2023 – Our view of this fund has changed, due to poor performance against its objective and the weakening of the fund’s management team.
As a relatively defensive fund, we expect volatility to be lower relative to peers. Recent performance has caused us to question the fund’s success in achieving this objective. It has also had mixed success in diversifying against falling equity markets. Additionally, the fund’s longest serving manager has announced he will be retiring from the industry and, although he has been replaced, we view this change as weakening the fund’s management team – and therefore have decided to remove this fund from the list.
Jupiter UK Mid Cap
28/07/2023 – We have recently been advised by Jupiter Asset Management that, following their own Assessment of Value, they have concluded that the fund, has not demonstrated value for retail customers. The fund has been automatically removed from our list. To find out more about the manager’s assessment of their product and the issues they’ve identified, please refer to the Jupiter website.
Jupiter UK Smaller Companies
28/07/2023 – We have recently been advised by Jupiter Asset Management that, following their own Assessment of Value, they have concluded that the fund, has not demonstrated value for retail customers. The fund has been automatically removed from our list. To find out more about the manager’s assessment of their product and the issues they’ve identified, please refer to the Jupiter website.
28/06/2023 – This fund has been removed from our list as it’s no longer the cheapest tracker product for the sector.
15/09/2022 – The fund’s name is currently under review to make sure it reflects the regulator’s expectations in relation to ESG and Sustainable investment funds. The fund has been removed from the list until any name update is confirmed.
01/08/2022 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but there are other funds which are our preferred choice for new investment.
01/08/2022 – As part of our ongoing product monitoring, this fund is no longer part of our core fund selection and we’ve therefore removed this from our list. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but there are other funds which are our preferred choice for new investment.
06/07/2021 – The fund manager, or a key member of the team, has announced they're leaving, so the fund has been automatically removed from our list.
Two of the three founding lead fund managers of the fund have recently departed from portfolio management roles. Although the fund is managed collectively by the Multi Asset team, these two individuals played a key role in the leadership and decision making processes therefore shouldering much of the responsibility for the track record of the fund. The new leadership structure doesn’t boast the same long track record and is therefore less tested, and so, given the circumstances, we have greater conviction with other managers in this sector.
21/06/2021 – The fund manager, or a key member of the team, has announced they're leaving, so the fund has been automatically removed from our list.
One of the three co-managers of the Fund, Paul Causer, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this year. The two remaining co-managers will continue to manage the fund along the same investment approach that Paul has lead, as co-head of the Invesco Fixed Interest Team, for the last 26 years. While we review the fund and its future under the two remaining co-managers, we felt it prudent to remove this fund from the list.
25/09/2020 – We don’t believe the focus of this fund is key to most private investor portfolios so we’ve removed it from our list. We still have a positive view of the fund at the time of removal but it’s no longer a fund we will include in future as key for Smart Investor customers.
25/09/2020 – We don’t believe the focus of this fund is key to most private investor portfolios so we’ve removed it from our list. We still have a positive view of the fund at the time of removal but it’s no longer a fund we will include in future as key for Smart Investor customers.
25/09/2020 – We don’t believe the focus of this fund is key to most private investor portfolios so we’ve removed it from our list. We still have a positive view of the fund at the time of removal but it’s no longer a fund we will include in future as key for Smart Investor customers.
27/07/2020 – As part of our ongoing monitoring of the funds list, we’ve reviewed it for any funds that are no longer core to our selection. We feel this fund is a duplication of the choice offered across the list, and it’s therefore been removed. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but there are other funds which are our preferred choice for new investment.
27/07/2020 – As part of our ongoing monitoring of the funds list, we’ve reviewed it for any funds that are no longer core to our selection. We feel this fund is a duplication of the choice offered across the list, and it’s therefore been removed. The removal doesn’t mean we have a negative view of the fund but there are other funds which are our preferred choice for new investment.
15/06/2020 – The fund manager, or a key member of the team, has announced they're leaving, so the fund has been automatically removed from our list. The lead portfolio manager, Jeff Taylor, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this year. Although the co-manager, John Surplice, will continue to manage the fund along the same investment approach that Jeff lead for over 20 years, we do have issues with the team structure and its stability, and as a result feel it is prudent to remove this fund from the list.
08/07/2019 – The fund manager, or a key member of the team, has announced they're leaving, so the fund has been automatically removed from our list. After running the fund for over 18 years, the lead portfolio manager Alexander Darwall has decided to leave Jupiter and set up his own asset management company. It is our belief that Darwall has been an important driver of the success of the fund, and a reason why it had a place on the Barclays Funds List. The loss of Darwall therefore means the fund is removed from the list.
14/09/2018 – The fund manager, or a key member of the team, has announced they're leaving, so the fund has been automatically removed from our list.
This fund has been removed from the Barclays Funds List because the lead portfolio manager has retired. Nigel Thomas has run the fund for 17 years, at the end of a long career that spanned over 40 years. The new portfolio manager has mainly managed funds investing in medium and small sized companies, but has less experience in managing a fund of this size and profile that invests across the entire market. The UK market is a highly competitive space and we have greater conviction with other managers in the sector.
14/09/2018 – Our view of this fund has changed. There are other funds which are now our preferred choice for investing in.
This fund has a long and successful track record, having been managed by Martin Cholwill since 2005. Like any successful fund, it became popular among investors and the size of the fund has grown considerably. We believe the size of the fund could make it more difficult to manage in an active manner, particularly with respect to the smaller sized companies that Cholwill invests in. As such, our conviction in the fund being able to continue to deliver performance has deteriorated and it is therefore removed from the Barclays Funds List.
The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invest. Tax rules can change and their effects on you will depend on your individual circumstances.
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